Bull's Head Bourbon 750ml

The mash bill for this distinctive wheated bourbon is 70% corn, 20% wheat, and 5% malted barley, distilled in the Hudson Valley from 100% New York ingredients. It is aged for 5 years in 53 gallon Independent Stave Company Cooper’s Select Oak Barrels. Smooth and luscious, with toasted corn, caramel,...


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The mash bill for this distinctive wheated bourbon is 70% corn, 20% wheat, and 5% malted barley, distilled in the Hudson Valley from 100% New York ingredients. It is aged for 5 years in 53 gallon Independent Stave Company Cooper’s Select Oak Barrels. Smooth and luscious, with toasted corn, caramel, and spice notes, this is an easy sipper that works just as effortlessly in all your favorite cocktails.

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