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James Pepper 1776 750ml
EYE Amber NOSECocoa, roasted corn, cinnamon, nuts, marmalade, spice and bits of strawberry candy, vanilla and oak. PALATENuts, caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, roasted corn, jammy citrus and bits of fruit, char, menthol and oak coming through. FINISHMedium – Buttery corn, caramel, vanilla, spice and oak. BALANCE, BODY & FEELGood balance, medium body...
EYE Amber
Cocoa, roasted corn, cinnamon, nuts, marmalade, spice and bits of strawberry candy, vanilla and oak.
Nuts, caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, roasted corn, jammy citrus and bits of fruit, char, menthol and oak coming through.
Medium – Buttery corn, caramel, vanilla, spice and oak.
Good balance, medium body and a bit thin and light on the feel.
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