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Barbera d' Alba,Mauro Molin 750ml
The deep ruby red hue of this Barbera d’Alba is complemented by generous aromas of dark cherries, wild berries and hints of bitter chocolate. In the mouth crushed strawberries, sour cherries and mulberries come to the fore along with undertones of dried herbs, licorice and freshly-ground black pepper.The smooth,...
The deep ruby red hue of this Barbera d’Alba is complemented by generous aromas of dark cherries, wild berries and hints of bitter chocolate. In the mouth crushed strawberries, sour cherries and mulberries come to the fore along with undertones of dried herbs, licorice and freshly-ground black pepper.
The smooth, well-rounded mouthfeel and easygoing tannins make this an ideal red wine to enjoy on its own, although it also makes a very versatile partner for food. Perfect gastronomic pairings include Italian classics like stone-baked pizza, lasagna, or even the Piedmont speciality of fresh egg pasta served with lavish shavings of truffle.
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